Thursday, June 11, 2009

2009 HydroTherapy Session #4 - June 18th.

Hey surfers just a heads up. Next week's session location to be announced/determined (so keep checking back here for updates) but most likely will be at Sullivan Wave/Hole - Flora Rapids, depending of course on the river flow, planetary alignment and Federal Bailout issues.

Since Travis has put me in the driver's seat for this session, I thought we'd mix things up a bit. I'd like to have beginner, intermediate and expert categories - for both men and women - if we get enough contestants. You are the one who decides what class to enter. So spread the word! Look for me in the 'Womens Beginner' category.

Our secret judge - Devon Barker - will not be able to make it. She's currently in Salida, Co for The 2009 FIBARK River Festival.

Also, mark and clear your calendar for July 2nd's session at Sullivan Hole / Flora Rapids; after the competition we will adjourn to Billy and Teri's house (the blue/grey house right next to Sullivan Hole) to party and roast Mike "McHoleHog" "Mick" French.

Mike - as you may know - has been a force and advocate in our kayaking community for many years, paving the way for us through his efforts in creeking, playboating, river running, as an AWA stream keeper for Hangman/Latah Creek, starting the Yahoo user group forum "IEWW" and as the head of the "Spokane River Gorge White Water Park Steering Committee". His Grateful Dead stickered helmet has been a common sight on the river. Come pay your respects to the man, the myth, the pseudo French Man! More details to follow as Steve Bailey and I throw together the party of the year!

Don't forget to scroll down this page to the next post regarding the SEPA for our Spokane River Gorge White Water Park. Muey importante!!!

Dave - filling in for the MAN - Travis.

1 comment:

mickster said...

Yo and howdy from "pseudo" Frenchman McHolehog checkin' in. Should be a good time, will be bringing some artifacts, memorabilia, pics, stories from over 22 years of WW kayaking. Never thought the day would come when I would even think about hanging up me paddle. Nagging chronic hip injury forces me. Still will paddle me arse off in me Seda Glider flatwater distance racer. Will continue to love and cherish all rivers and the joys they give to us all. The passion remains despite the respite!!! HAH seeya................